Arts and Culture

Why is this still a thing?

The #VapeNaysh Edition

It’s upon you before you know what hit you: there is no escape. In a burst of smoke, and without any warning, it’s clear no matter how many times you tap your heels together there’s no going back. Echoing cries of “yeeeea boi” resonate down the street, the strawberry-scented cloud evaporates and it’s clear we’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto: welcome to Vape Nation.

The history of vaping dates back to the invention of the first electronic cigarette in 1963 by Herbert Gilbert. It gives the “vaper” the potential to satisfy their nicotine cravings, while tactfully avoiding the additional harmful side effects of tobacco-burning cigarettes. Strictly speaking, significant evidence exists that presents vaping as a useful tool in the process of kicking a nicotine addiction. Perhaps that’s the silver lining of this phat cloud.

Ethan Klein gave rise to the planet of the vapes in his YouTube video entitled “VAPE NATION”which lit up the Internet overnight. After Klein –better known as Papa Bless –vaping changed from a pragmatic addiction assistant to an aid for 14-year-old boys trying to look edgy on Vine for 3 likes. From the dankest of youngsters, a culture of cloudchasers has developed, here to rep the Naysh and rip big ones. Bonding over the outta juice blues and the newest, dopest flavours on Redditt threads, the Nation’s followers praise that 4/20 lifestyle much to the chagrin of any onlooker: Blueberry cheesecake, pumpkin spice latte, milk at the end of a bowl of Fruit Loops.

Now, nearly 5 months after Papa Bless’ revolution-ary video circulated, E-cig evangelists still maintain the yearn to look like a walking-talking fog machine. Like any good citizen, members of the Naysh defend their fellow patrons of puff. They salute their cloudy comrades with the signature \//\ homage. They bow to Klein the Cartridge King himself, primarily through purchase of his misty-minded merchandise. You too can rep the Naysh for the low, low price of $25.88.

Anti-vape groups condemn the hazy hoards for the frivolity of their fumes. What side of this smoggy schism would Herbert Gilbert team with? We haven’t the foggiest idea, the best we can do is guess.

The appropriation of vape culture into the latest and greatest pastime of 21st century children has left a sour taste in many mouths. Where e-cigarette technology in the past has operated as an end to tobaccos addicting means, adversaries now caution against vaping, naming it a gateway gimmick to a “greener” way of life. Voices chanting in unison about the art of dabbing quick before your cigalike tip drips prevail across the web, lurking in wait for the opportunity to prove their patriotism to Papa Bless. It was funny for a millisecond but it’s time to get your head out of the clouds. We get it, you vape –so why is the #naysh still a thing?


Image courtesy of Oreoluwa Adara