5 Things You Need to Know About Innis College: From an Upper Year Innis College Student!

In my experience as an upper year student, these are the 5 most essential things every Innis College Student should know about. These are things I wish I knew about sooner, and resources that are super helpful to have in mind, especially as an incoming student.
I hope this guide will help those students that are hesitant to venture out into the vast UofT campus (like I was). There are so many resources available that it can sometimes feel overwhelming trying to choose where to allocate your oh so precious free time. These suggestions will help enhance your time here at UofT, whether that be by giving academic advice or student life support. They have helped me tremendously over the years and remember there are so many resources available to benefit you and your time here!
- Innis College Library
One place every Innis College Student must visit is the Innis College Library. Located on the second floor of Innis College’s east wing, it is open Monday to Friday from 10 am to 5 pm, and is the perfect cozy and quiet space for independent studying. It’s greatest treasure though, is Kate Johnson, the Innis College Librarian, and your new best friend!!! Kate is able to help with just about anything! From research to citation help, just email to book an appointment with Kate and you’re guaranteed to find the support you need! You can also browse the broad selection of books, with collections on Innis College’s Academic programs such as Cinema Studies, Writing & Rhetoric, and Urban Studies!
- Innis Town Hall
Ahh yes! Maybe you are one of the students that, like myself, hadn’t realized that attending a college that specializes in cinema studies means having access to a private theater! Innis’s Town Hall theater is an amenity like no other, a private screening room right at the heart of your college, that is available for use through its own online booking portal . The Innis Town Hall hosts a wide variety of events throughout the fall and winter terms, available both in-person and online. For example, the Cinema Studies Student Union’s (CINSSU) beloved “Free Friday Films” events that offer free, bi-weekly movie screenings at the Innis Town Hall for all Innis College Students. Check out CINSSU’s social media pages for more information!
- Innis Writing Center
The Innis College Writing Center is a dream come true for any student enrolled in a writing heavy course. The center offers students free help with their assignments during 50-minute appointments that must be booked ahead of time. Get personalised feedback from experienced Instructors at any stage of your writing process and ace that next assignment! With such a great service available to Innis College Students, it is no wonder appointments fill up quickly. If possible, check your syllabus ahead of time for due dates and book your appointment as soon as possible! This service is available for Innis College Students, students in any courses affiliated with Innis, or students in any of the Innis College First Year Seminars!
- Sports and Recreation – Intramurals
One thing to take advantage of here at UofT, are all the sports and recreation facilities! From the Athletic Center to Goldring, there are lots of options for students looking to stay physically fit! There are drop-in classes and online events you can participate in. You could also take part in Intramural sports with other Innis College Students. Even though I am the least athletically inclined person ever, I honestly and seriously recommend getting involved with Intramural sports here at Innis College, and I wish I had sooner! Not only is playing sports good for one’s physical health, but doing so with your friends after class is really fun and a great stress reliever. For those looking to dip a toe into the world of sports and recreation, try joining the Innis College Co-Ed Dodgeball team as it is a great way to get comfortable with athletics and meet new people! Even if you are a busy student with a tight schedule, or a commuter student not on campus often, there is sure to be a sport available for you to participate in! If you haven’t already registered for the Fall semester activities, be sure to reach out to the Innis College Student Societies, Athletic Directors, to get you set up!
- Innis College Student Society
The Innis College Student Society (ICSS) is your place to go for all things student life and Innis! The ICSS is Innis College’s student run governing council of appointed and elected members who work together to run events that help students be a part of the growing and diverse community we have here at Innis. The council has representatives for various student populations like commuter student reps, international reps, and graduate reps. Each rep is tasked with curating events throughout the school year to bring students together and have fun! Some events held previously include: a semi-formal, an art gala, an athletic banquet, graduate dinners, etc. These events are great for meeting other Innis College Students, I found some of my closest friends just by attending! Be sure to check out the ICSS on Social media for updates on upcoming events!
Best of Luck!