U of T Washrooms Review
Do you have a favourite UofT washroom? We all have to go…so why not do it somewhere you enjoy? Have you noticed that each washroom is slightly different but some may be more to your liking? Any class I have –and trust me, I’ve been all over campus – I need to know where the nearest washroom is. Some have the modern, self-flushing toilets – are you ever afraid the power may shut off when using these facilities? Or is that just me? (Note: I will only be ranking the female bathrooms, and the rating system is out of 5 toilet paper rolls )
Let’s start off with Innis –
This washroom is located in the basement, it has a lot of mirrors and has automatic flushing and sinks. Overall, this is a decent washroom and even has period products that are available for FREE. I call that a win. But why are the majority of washrooms in the basement? Also, why are there so many mirrors? Every time I walk in I think I’ll bump into someone and realize it’s actually just my reflection staring at me as I turn to walk towards the stalls.
Robarts – first floor
This washroom has many stalls, which is great for a high-populated building, as well as automatic toilets and sinks. But in order to enter, there are stairs. Not very accessible.
UC – main floor washrooms
UC is a complicated building. Many of us struggle with finding our classes, let alone the bathrooms – who is with me?
The main floor washrooms have two stalls and one sink, which makes it difficult when more than two people are in the washroom. A line forms to wash your hands and then a line forms to use the toilet. It is a game of fancy footwork and may I have the next dance to get in and out of the stall during peak times.
UC basement washroom
Now, the issue with this washroom is the fact that it is in the basement … or maybe also the automatic sinks and toilets … again, you know my fear. And to be trapped in a basement when the power is out is worse than Friday the 13th landing in October. You follow? Now, fears aside, I do like this washroom, but I find it interesting that there are two locks for the stalls. Why would we need the extra security? To escape from Jason?
Carr Hall third floor washroom
If there was a power outage, I would definitely use this washroom, as the toilets and sinks are manual and there are paper towels there to dry your hands. The concern I have with this washroom is that there are only two stalls. A line forms during peak times at the start or end of classes. There is a very small mirror and it has extra room as the sinks are not placed together. The dispenser for period products is not free, so make sure to have some change in your pocket if you find yourself needing an emergency stash.
Goldring Student Centre washrooms
The washroom near Cat’s Eye is nice and spacious. It has full length mirrors for OOTD (outfit of the day) photos. The toilets and sinks are automatic, and there is a dispenser for FREE period products. There are many stalls which is a bonus.
Sidney Smith washrooms
Both washrooms on the first and second floor have lots of stalls that have automatic toilets and sinks. There is an accessible stall. The lineups get pretty long during peak times. There is a large mirror along the sinks area.