Why 58

(Hey What?)
Welcome to the first issue of The Innis Herald volume NINE!
*record scratch*
Wait, that doesn’t sound right. If the Innis Herald was started all the way back in 1965, how come we’ve only put out nine volumes? Aren’t there supposed to be, like, fifty? What happened to all the others?!
These exact questions were going through my mind at 2 a.m. on the third Tuesday in July, 2022. Why was I up so late? Why had I decided to have a cup of coffee right before getting into bed? Why was I thinking about this on a random Tuesday in the middle of July? These are questions to which we may never find satisfactory answers.
However, my 2 a.m. caffeine-fueled Innis Herald musings had sparked something in me: a curiosity, a question. The need for an investigation.
I spent the next few days going through Innis Herald archives, frantically searching for clues, for answers, for anything! I covered my cork board with pieces of evidence and Post-its with question marks, connecting the dots with strings of different colours. I called in some favours, contacted my “sources,” and spent days, weeks, months frantically reading through hundreds of pages of old editions of the Innis Herald, getting nowhere. Finally, the most promising realisation came to me. If anyone could help me crack this case, it would be Kate Johnson, the all-knowing librarian at Innis College.
Together, Kate and I dove further into the depths of this mystery, listing every issue, tracking down lost pages, and scouring through endless emails until…
I found it. I found the answer.
According to my incredibly complex calculations, 57 complete volumes of the Innis Herald have been created to date. That could only mean one thing: we, the masthead of 2022-23, are volume 58.
This paper, the one you’re reading right now, was started by a somewhat ambitious group of Innisians all the way back in 1965. For years, brave and bored students have joined the masthead, taking on the challenge of running this incredible publication. Together, the writers, artists, photographers, editors, designers, and, of course, readers, have filled these pages with history, personality, and absolutely terrible jokes.
We promise to do the same. We will honour the legacy of Innisians before us and bring you four issues of interesting, informative, and just slightly in(nis)sane Innis content.
Get ready for truckloads of alliteration and bad Innis puns. This is just the begin(nis)ing.
Your extremely excited editor-in-chief,
Yash Kumar Singhal
P.S. Do you have a fun anecdote to share? A love confession or an angry rant you want to get off your chest? Roommate almost burn down the house? Tell me about it! Make an interesting observation on campus? Tell me about it! Have an incredible obsession about racoons and want a platform to express your love for the fuzzy friend-shaped fauna? TELL ME ABOUT IT!
Shower us in praise or give us some not-so-constructive criticism. Tell us what else you want to see in the Innis Herald, or maybe what you definitely don’t want to see more of. You can even ask me for advice (only if you don’t want a sincere response).
I am very bored. Please write to me. Please. I am very bored.
Written letters, signed and sealed, can be delivered to room 108 at Innis College while electronic letters (aka emails) may be sent to exec.herald@gmail.com.