
Instructions for MindScape

Welcome, dear customer. Thank you for buying MindScape. At the forefront of alternate reality and immersion technology, we are confident that MindScape will allow you to create and explore worlds previously unimaginable, all from the comfort of your room!

Please follow the instructions below to allow your MindScape to configure properly and begin your MindScape journey.

  1. Please find a quiet space where you will not be disturbed for a minimum of 10 minutes. Sudden disturbances during the configuration or the synchronization process may lead to memory loss and/or severe damage to the brain.
  2. Place the attached pieces on your temples and close your eyes.
  3. You will fall into a deep state of unconsciousness for a few minutes. Disturbance at this stage can be harmful. You will awaken once configuration is complete.
  4. After configuration, the MindScape module will cause your limbs to move. This temporary loss of control may be disturbing. Please remain calm, this is only a confirmation that the process was successful.
  5. You may experience a temporary loss of memory and/or identity. Please remain calm, your memory and identity will be restored shortly.
  6. Once the synchronization is complete, you will see a welcome message as well as a list of Terms & Conditions you must accept in order to continue.
  7. As a first step, we recommend creating your avatar. An avatar is how other MindScape users will see you. An avatar can look like anything you want, but note that by the Defamation Act of 2071, constructing an avatar to impersonate someone else is illegal. Free users may find some limits to customizability.
  8. Next, we recommend creating your primary MindWorld. MindWorlds are simply custom virtual spaces made by our users. The use and appearance of these spaces is entirely defined by the creator(s). You will also have a primary MindWorld which is the space that other MindScape users will see when they call or visit you. An extra fee is required if you wish to add items related to copyrighted works in your MindWorld. This includes popular games, movies, shows, etc. Free users may find some limits to customizability.
  9. After creating your avatar and MindWorld, we recommend adding some friends to your friend list. This will allow you to talk to them and visit their MindWorlds instantly. As a free MindScape user, you can add up to 5 friends to your friend list.
  10. You’re all set! Feel free to visit any of the publicly available MindWorlds, or create some of your own. As a free MindScape user, you can have up to 3 active MindWorlds, including your primary MindWorld.
  11. As a free MindScape user, you may find your likes and dislikes slightly altered to match those of our sponsors. Upgrading to a Premium account will allow you to revert back to your original tastes.
  12. As a free Mindscape user, you will need to spend a portion of your time watching some sponsored content. Some of your data may be shared with third parties in order to ensure that the content you receive is truly meant for you. This data may include age, sex, race, preferences, history, social relationships, etc.
  13. Memories that have not been accessed in over a year may be deleted due to limited storage. If you have purchased a MindStorage unit, then these memories can be stored there. Note that while Premium MindScape users have unlimited storage, upgrading to Premium will not allow you to retrieve deleted memories.

Welcome to MindScape, an experience we know you’ll enjoy.