
Chinese Supermarket Egg Tarts

Their flaky crust and creamy egg custard make egg tarts the perfect treat! Fresh tarts, warm out
of the oven, are the best. However, they can be time-consuming and hard work to make. Follow
our “cheater’s” recipe to get the perfect silky, delicious, and hassle-free tarts! Our secret
ingredient is pre-made tart crusts from the Asian supermarket, C&C. Can’t find any tart crusts?
Don’t fret, you can get creative with puff pastry or pre-made pie crust!

Ingredients (8 egg tarts)

  1. 4 egg yolks
  2. 180g whipping cream
  3. 140g milk
  4. 80g sugar
  5. 15g sweetened condensed milk
  6. 15g corn starch
  7. 8x egg tart shells from the Chinese Supermarket


  1. Preheat oven to 420ºF
  2. Gently whisk together all the ingredients (minus the tart shells) in a bowl
  3. Pour the egg mixture through a strainer into another bowl
  4. Spread the tart shells on a baking tray (they don’t expand, so you can place them pretty
    close to one another)
  5. Ladle the egg mixture into the tart shells
  6. Bake the egg tarts for 20-30 mins
  7. Broil on high for ~3 mins, until the tart browns nicely

Tip: if you strain the egg mixture into any container with a spout, you will be able to directly pour
it into the tart shells without a ladle.