Self Nominate for the Innis Herald 2023-2024 Masthead Elections

The Innis Herald’s Masthead Election for the 2023-2024 school year is officially open for Nominations!
Eligibility Criteria
- To run for a position on the masthead, you must have contributed to at least one edition of the Innis Herald since September 2022. This includes being an active member of our masthead, contributing an article, joining on the podcast, or submitting a photo or illustration.
- You must be a registered undergraduate student at the University of Toronto for the 2023-2024 academic year (September 2023 to April 2024)
- NOTE: You do NOT need to be an Innis College student to run for a position. Any undergraduate student at U of T who has contributed to the Herald is eligible to run for a position.
Positions Available:
Editor-in-Chief (1)
Managing Editor (1)
Layout Editor (1)
Communications Director (1)
Creative Director (1)
Senior Copy Editor (1)
Podcast Director (1)
More description of the positions can be found here.
If you are interested in joining the masthead but isn’t eligible for an executive position, keep an eye on our instagram for when we announce junior editor applications later this August!
Apply today!
As someone who has worked for the Herald as the Online Editor ( now Communications Director) for the past two years, I can tell you that being on the masthead is a blast! They are full of chill and cool people, and has given me a lot of experience! I only wish you all the best!
May the odds ever be in your favour!