Maclean’s annual university ranking was released this month and, unsurprisingly, the University of Toronto rose to the top of each category, including a new category
Last Thursday, the University of Toronto (U of T) released a statement outlining their decision to begin the process of divesting university assets from companies
Move meant to prevent confusion with Hart House.
Earlier this year, I was driving down Yonge Street, past the area I used to live in. I looked out and realized that the chimney [of my elementary school] was missing. Turns out, the TDSB had decided to tear down my school…
For the first time in nearly ten years, IN2U, a leadership conference organized by the Office of Student Life (OSL) at Innis College, did not
“That’s when it hit me,” exclaimed Daria, “it was like a lightbulb went off in my head. I couldn’t believe we didn’t think of it before. We should just print the paper directly on the compost bins.”
His water bottle’s rhythmic breathing and healed dent alludes to life, the writer claims.
In January of 1946, less than a year after the conclusion of the World War II, 1400 new University of Toronto students started their studies
Follow me to the home I almost knew: Follow me to the city where stray animals and fruit stands meet lackadaisical urban sprawl, where schoolchildren
Courtesy of the University of Toronto The Thomas Fisher Struggle and Story exhibit typifies the Canadian problem: how can we be proud of Canada’s founders
As my curly bob falls out of my ponytail at 5 am, I can’t help but think back to my high school self. She used
The month of February screams Valentine’s Day. Those of us who have a valentine, a boyfriend, a girlfriend, a significant other, or even a ‘possible’
The second edition of the Innis Herald Photo Challenge for the 2016/17 academic session was incredibly entertaining! The Innis Herald would like to extend thanks to
[ Capricorn (December 22- January 19) ] You have a midterm coming up: don’t bother going. Jupiter is the brightest to East and says no.
The first edition of the Innis Herald Photo Challenge for the 2016/17 academic session was a phenomenal success. The Innis Herald would like to extend
If you’re reading this its too late… to submit to the Innis Herald Photo Challenge for the 2015/2016 academic year! We’ve started from the bottom
I AIN’T ‘FRAID of NO GHOSTS ! This photo of the ICSS’s President (Khrystyna Zhuk) and Executive Vice-Present (Brianne Katz-Griffin) is the first of many